Double platinum disc function of Allu Arjun’s latest film Parugu was held at Club Jayabheri on the night of 17 May. This function was attended by Allu Arjun, Sheila, Dil Raju, Subbaraju, Srinivas Reddy, Rajitha, Ragini, Giri, Raja, VV Vinayak, Seenu Vytla, Varun Sandesh, Swetha Prasad, BVS Ravi, Vijay Chakravarthy, Anant Sreeram, Marthand K Venkatesh, Srivas, ML Kumar Chowdary, MS Raju, Chatrapati Prasad, Hema Chandra etc.
Director Bhaskar and Music director Mani Sharma could not make it to the event.
I want to make a film with Allu Arjun – MS RajuSpeaking on the occasion VV Vinayak said, “I am really impressed with this film. Allu Arjun has given extraordinary performance. The making standards of Dil Raju are exemplary. I know how difficult it is to shoot the film in early morning for mist effect. I was so impressed with Mahesh Babu’s performance in Murari that I wanted to make Okkadu with him. Likewise, I want to produce a film will Allu Arjun after seeing his performance in Parugu. Prakash Raj performance in second half is ultimate. Mani Sharma had finest rerecording. I predicted that this film will become a hit on the day one.”
Next film of Dil Raju will be a flop – SukumarSukumar said, “I get so jealous of Dil Raju that I wanted his next film to become a flop. Bunny has given a great performance.”
Actor Subba Raju said, “There is a dialogue in the film that a father is born only when the first child is born. A girl always needs the support of a father and this simple fact is shown in Parugu film.”
Parugu is a silent super hit – Dil RajuDil Raju said, “The entire unit worked very hard for this film. I never had any tension during the making or after the release about the success of the film. Parugu started with a divide talk and the talk improved from Monday. People expected the collections to drop after Kantri release. But the collections on 9 May are greater than the collections of 8 May. This film is running housefuls in 3rd week in all district head quarters. This film is a silent super hit and is catering to the family crowds. This is 6th consecutive hit in our banner. Pawan Kalyan spoke to me for 15 minutes and praised the film.”
Chiranjeevi said that Parugu would be super hit – Allu ArjunAllu Arjun said, “Bhaskar could not come to this function as he is on vacation in Bangalore. He told me that all my films had me being hyper active. This time he wanted me to do subtle performance. I had a tension if fans would accept the film. But all those fears vanished when Chiranjeevi uncle saw the film before hand and predicted that it would become a super hit. He was never so excited about my earlier films. Pawan Kalyan uncle also praised the film and my performance a lot. Mani Sharma is first for me and Dil Raju. He exceeded all our expectations. His re-recording was extraordinary. Arya and Parugu are two different good films in Dil Raju combination. We keep continue doing such different films. I would like to thank the outdoor unit members for their hard work in Kodaikanal.”
Director Bhaskar and Music director Mani Sharma could not make it to the event.
I want to make a film with Allu Arjun – MS RajuSpeaking on the occasion VV Vinayak said, “I am really impressed with this film. Allu Arjun has given extraordinary performance. The making standards of Dil Raju are exemplary. I know how difficult it is to shoot the film in early morning for mist effect. I was so impressed with Mahesh Babu’s performance in Murari that I wanted to make Okkadu with him. Likewise, I want to produce a film will Allu Arjun after seeing his performance in Parugu. Prakash Raj performance in second half is ultimate. Mani Sharma had finest rerecording. I predicted that this film will become a hit on the day one.”
Next film of Dil Raju will be a flop – SukumarSukumar said, “I get so jealous of Dil Raju that I wanted his next film to become a flop. Bunny has given a great performance.”
Actor Subba Raju said, “There is a dialogue in the film that a father is born only when the first child is born. A girl always needs the support of a father and this simple fact is shown in Parugu film.”
Parugu is a silent super hit – Dil RajuDil Raju said, “The entire unit worked very hard for this film. I never had any tension during the making or after the release about the success of the film. Parugu started with a divide talk and the talk improved from Monday. People expected the collections to drop after Kantri release. But the collections on 9 May are greater than the collections of 8 May. This film is running housefuls in 3rd week in all district head quarters. This film is a silent super hit and is catering to the family crowds. This is 6th consecutive hit in our banner. Pawan Kalyan spoke to me for 15 minutes and praised the film.”
Chiranjeevi said that Parugu would be super hit – Allu ArjunAllu Arjun said, “Bhaskar could not come to this function as he is on vacation in Bangalore. He told me that all my films had me being hyper active. This time he wanted me to do subtle performance. I had a tension if fans would accept the film. But all those fears vanished when Chiranjeevi uncle saw the film before hand and predicted that it would become a super hit. He was never so excited about my earlier films. Pawan Kalyan uncle also praised the film and my performance a lot. Mani Sharma is first for me and Dil Raju. He exceeded all our expectations. His re-recording was extraordinary. Arya and Parugu are two different good films in Dil Raju combination. We keep continue doing such different films. I would like to thank the outdoor unit members for their hard work in Kodaikanal.”
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